My quantitative, qualitative, digital, and language skills enhance the work and research I do



Six years experience with different datasets including construction, cleaning, and analyzing using complex statistical methods and STATA software.

  • Constructed multiple datasets combining birth certificate data from the state of Ohio with 5-year American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Used both Microsoft Excel and STATA software.

    • One dataset including the four largest cities in Ohio and limited to individual level data of Black mothers with a created variable dividing sample between foreign- and native-born mothers

    • One dataset including the six largest cities in Ohio and limited to individual level data of Black mothers with a created variable dividing sample between foreign- and native-born Black women and a constructed proxy variable dividing foreign-born to be refugee and non-refugee populations

  • Used American FactFinder Census Bureau resource to create demographic tables and descriptive statistics to describe and compare numerous locations including Census Blocks, Census Tracts, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Places, Counties, and States.

  • Completed 19 credit-hours of graduate-level Statistics courses. Includes mathematical statistics theory, linear regression, demographic techniques, categorical data analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, longitudinal analysis, and quantitative research methods.

  • Taught four semesters of undergraduate statistics lab which involved reviewing statistical concepts and applying computational statistics using STATA software.

    • Used General Social Survey (GSS) dataset to teach how to create and display descriptive statistics and introduce inferential statistics



Experience collecting primary qualitative data through focus groups and interviews as well as in-depth analysis of data.

  • Worked on a research team helping to collect input through focus groups.

    • Helped develop questions and general script for research team to use

    • Managed five focus group sessions discussing difficult topics involving vulnerable populations 

    • Analyzed focus group input to create report for institutional client

  • Conducted 25 interviews with refugee women as part of dissertation research.

    • Enlisted support of interpreter for 12 interviews to enhance data collected

  • Managed a 3 person team of research assistances to transcribe 26 hours of interview audio.

  • Utilized NVIVO software to establish critical themes from data.

  • Completed 9 credit-hours of graduate level qualitative methods courses including qualitative research analysis and survey construction and analysis


Project: Silver Lake Brewing Project

Contribution: Created digital logo with Adobe InDesign


Applied experience with numerous softwares to do statistical modeling, data construction and cleaning, design and layouts, mapping, and programming.

  • Trained for over six years using STATA software and learning new updates, shortcuts, and codes.

  • Maintain fluency in Microsoft Office Suite, including Excel experience constructing tables and charts for analysis.

  • Possess high proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite, including numerous projects involving InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator and experience packaging large sized projects and sending them through zip files or cloud services.

  • Design Portfolio

  • Set up 3 websites using Wordpress platform including content creation and maintained 5 websites regularly.

  • Completed course focused on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and created several maps for prompts to understand layers and exporting.

  • Programmed for undergraduate minor in Engineering Sciences using MATLAB software


Project: Together Roswell, Strategic Plan for the City of Roswell, GA

Contribution: Translated content from English to Spanish



Use of Spanish to communicate conversationally, read, and write.

  • Translated language for various projects including surveys and FAQ documents

  • 14 years of conversational experience and reading and writing formal and informal language.